Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things to come...

So I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately and pondering on what I want to do with my life what I want to be. I've always been "artistic" and "creative", and I always wanted to pursue a career as an artist when I was young. So I did. I went to art school, got my degree and found myself a job. I love design. I love designing. It's fun and a gives me a great feeling when I create something. But I've come to realize that I will never be a great designer. I will always be "good enough". I want to do more than good enough. Thus, the soul searching. After much pondering, I realized that my largest passion (besides my love of music), is fashion and style. I've always been drawn to it... even when I wasn't a 100% sure what to do. It's what led me to my Gadzooks job in high school and to start reading fashion magazines in college. I feel I'm at a point in my life where I have my own sense of style and what it is. So after realizing all this, I sat. I sat and I sketched to see if I could translate my sense of style. These sketches here are what came of that session. I am very proud of them. They give me hope. They give me sense of where I should go with my life, my passion, my art. So I am sharing them with you, my friends; my readers. I feel this is the start of something for me. I feel this is something I can be great at. So without further ado, the sketches of what will hopefully someday soon be the first line of The Cut of the Jib. Please feel free to post any critique you'd like. I am open to all forms of criticism; be it constructive or not. Oh, and the inspiration/theme behind this line is "disproportional elegance".


  1. Love it. The loose vest and the cardigan are great, but it takes a real man to rock shorts with a sport coat. Ballsy.

  2. Actually, that's not a cardigan; but a deep v-neck sweater. Thanks for the kind words, mon frere. They are mucho appreciado (that's French for kickass.)

  3. Everything here is totally awesome. I think you need to start executing this collection ASAP!!!
